Building Healthier Communities.

Crosswalk Health is transforming pre-hospital care by partnering with first responder agencies, community providers, and payors to provide needs-matched care to patients who primarily access the healthcare system via 911.

About Us

We serve as the Crosswalk for payors and EMS agencies, creating an environment where 911 callers receive appropriate and cost-effective care.

Our Services

  • 911 Care Navigation

    Divert low-acuity calls from 911 to Crosswalk RNs that follow specifically designed care navigation protocols so your teams can focus on responding to life threatening emergencies

  • Connected Telehealth

    Initiate and deliver telehealth visits with emergency medicine physicians in under 60 seconds for patients that don’t require ED-level intervention

  • Local Provider Integration

    Partner with urgent care, FQHCs, and behavioral health providers to ensure patients access the care they need, when they need it

  • Payor Contracting

    Develop new payment programs with payors to generate reimbursement for activities beyond transportation

Connect with us to learn more about how we can help